Volunteering at Medical Center Clinic is a gift that keeps giving!
At Medical Center Clinic, we strive to provide our patients with exceptional customer service. We are looking for volunteers with a willingness that matters.
Volunteers are valued members of Medical Center Clinic. We offer opportunities in a wide variety of areas including patient services and non-patient care. We hope that through our volunteer program, you will discover that your skills, enthusiasm, and experience make a difference in our ability to deliver quality healthcare. In return for your valuable service, we are pleased to offer you a chance to do meaningful and important work, make new friends, see new faces, participate in special programs and projects, and receive recognition for your efforts.
Volunteers are people who come from all walks of life – retirees, former patients, professionals, homemakers, students — people who want to make a difference in the lives of others. Our volunteers at Medical Center Clinic are dedicated and caring people who help to provide a patient centric environment.
The Side-By-Side Volunteer may contribute to:
- Outpatient Surgery
New Services Openings
Surgery Waiting Room
Patient Wheelchair Transports - Corporate Mail Outs
Pre-Operation Area
Risk Management
Information Desk
Benefits to the Volunteer:
- Free Shirt
Free Meal on Service Day
Optical Shop Discount - Inclusion in all Medical Center Clinic Events
Documentation of Service Hours
Flexible Schedules
If you're interested in knowing more about the Side-By-Side Volunteer program please contact the Side-By-Side Volunteer Office at 850.474.8199 or email dorothy.cotita@medicalcenterclinic.com. You can also apply here.